Kids are Game Changers
“Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.”
Yes, Kids are game changers and they can make a difference! They may be little but we shouldn’t belittle them. Our choices and decisions affect the generations to come, so we must serve as an eye-opener to the younger ones.
Kids are curious and interested about everything around them, they are energetic, amusing, lovely and adorable. They have potential within them and this can flourish if we create a great world, change really begins with ourselves and let’s start it in our home.

We must encourage and inspire them by showing sincere love and kindness because even a small act of these have a great impact. Through this, we can set as a good example for them to imitate.
Kids are fun to be with so treasure their younger years by having a photo session with us! Unleash their inner fashionista and let them to pose like a pro in front of the camera!
This October, we celebrate Children’s month! Let photographs be their keepsakes and head to any Great Image and Great Kids branches near you and avail our Precious Collection made just for kiddos!

You can also avail our online discounted voucher on Precious Collection for only P799 and choose three (3) best shots to be printed on 1pc. 8R, 2pcs. 3R and 3pcs. 2R portraits!
We also have an available promo in Metrodeal for 1-Piece 5R portrait print! Sounds good? Check out this link, for more details.
Make more memories with them and let these moments be captured by Great Image! Visit any of our studios nationwide!